WHAT KINDS OF AWESOME? ALL KINDS OF AWESOME!!! Me won the grand prize at PROJECT ROOFTOPS VAMPIRELLA REVAMP CONTEST! YO! But submitting to the contest is a win-win-sit in full, cause you might get to known of a lot of good artists within the comicuniverse - check for example the link to Maris on my link list! TOPS! Or even Joe!!! Well, i get back to my schedule... friday night, yup, i am like this U_U ...
THE WAIIITT!!! is a bit over and we discovered an old drafted masterpiece by Donald Hello´s artistic fingertips and Olaf Brill´s advanced mind of the fantastic writings! Absolutely digable! This eyecandied baby walks to your face in february´s outcoming POPGUN Vol.3 by ImageComics! Stay tuned through here www.popguncomics.com
Also a german version will get to you in a future issue of the infamous PERRY! Seems like next year is the year of HELLO! celebrating its 5th year(!) after the big reunion, we have some nicey nicey surpirses for you all!!! www.HELLOSTUDIOS.de might be the new hip a gogo website, where we´ll meet again, huh? Now take a rest and we´ll speak laters, ok? --D---
From left to right: Dead Bear, Kitty Pantera and Shino, the zombie boy. Some characters our trainee Bruno Orbit worked out in his time off the Donald&Simon manga, which will head in late 2009 your lusting readerheads. Me and Simon briefed to get this figs as toys to your shelfs, so stay tuned! your donnie
HEY! Whoozathh? It's ROI DANTON, son of PERRY RHODAN, the first man on the moon and the super highest leader in command of the SOLAR EMPIRE! What else? Me and Simon don't care about third grade loosers, we take care of the best! ROI is a top A character from the PERRY RHODAN scifi-novel-series, is the pure oposit of his father. He is King over the FreeTraders, who live with their own rules and organisation beyond the SOLAR EMPIRE. they give a shit about - and that's all about stealing ressources behind the ass of Perry. Here is our take on a 8page backupstory, written by the gourgeous WIM WENDEMANN, who is the walking lexica for the PERYY RHODAN series, with artwork by me and letters and colors by Simon. Hope you dig the process pics... your Donnie!
Here we go agian! Back in the PNG#74, avaiable at trainstationshops in whole germany (most of it) at 21st january, 2008. The Gang comes here with an Originstory of the lovable MAKARONI PILLPAL and a TEASER of a gret TEAMUP with the AMAZING JOY BUZZARDS, the crazy comic-rockers MARK SMITH and DAN HIPP! Stay tuned till the next groovy pages! the Don -